Are you looking for a fresh theme for the youth retreat you are hosting this year? Here are some great themes to look at and use!

God and the Royal Inheritance (Ephesians 1 and 2)

Did you know you are a child of God? What does that really mean? God constantly reminds us that we are His children, and that means we are heirs of God—princes and princesses. What does it mean to be royalty for the Kingdom of God on Earth?

Legacy (Psalm 78, Genesis 11-21 with the story of Abraham)

You aren’t the first person on Earth, and it’s not likely you’re the last. What you do now affects the future—whether your personal life ten years from now or generations to come. What kind of legacy are you going to leave behind for the future? In fact, what is a legacy, and what does any of that have to do with you?

Relentless in the Pursuit of God (Isaiah 40:31, Hebrews 12)

It’s easy to put a pause on your relationship with God. Everyone has done it. God desires a relationship with you—for you to be able to pursue Him because your love for Him is great. What does it mean to truly pursue God, even amidst life happening, chaos, heartbreak, and our most joyous moments? How can you stay relentless, willing to fight for what God has for you?

Limitless (Mark 10:27, Ephesians 3)

With God, all things are possible. What does that mean for you—in the world you live in? Stop putting limits on what you can do—don’t put God in a box, because He’ll break it! What does it truly mean to be limitless?

What It Means to Be a Christian / Living Like Christ (The Gospels)

Christianity seems to be different depending on the person you’re talking to, but what does Jesus Himself say about it? How can you be more Christ-like in your actions, not just what you say you’re going to do?

Who am I? (1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4:11-13, Matthew 28:16-20)

This is a question everyone has asked at some point in their lives, and yet many people turn to wrong answers to help them find a career or something handy they can do with their lives. God has created you for His Purpose, but what does that purpose have to do with you? He created you with numerous gifts for Heaven and Earth, but what do they have anything to do with what the heck you’re supposed to be doing?

A Girl Posing For A Picture In Front Of Refreshing Mountain's Office For Zipline Canopy Tours

God’s Greatest Heroes (Stories of Gideon, David and Moses)

Who are the heroes of the Bible? Tales of the greatest men who ever lived include… a shepherd? The weakest dude of the weakest tribe who hid inside a bush so no one could find him? Sure… How come God chose these people to lead His people? What did their relationship with and confidence in God have to do with any of that? What does that mean for us?

How to Change the World / Here I Am—Send Me (Isaiah 6:8, Matthew 28:16-20)

The world can be changed—one person at a time. It starts with you. As you are created new in Christ, you get to share the word and spread the Gospel to the rest of the world. Being a world changer is real, and you can step up to the task should you choose to do so.

 Having a Friend in God (John 15:15, Psalms of David)

God is more than your Lord and Father. He is your Friend—Helper to those who call on Him. You have a relationship with Him, but are you allowing Him to be more than a figure, in the distance, in your life? Get intimate with God—understand Him and the mystery around Him.

Youth Retreats at Refreshing Mountain

Location can have a huge influence on the overall theme of a youth retreat, and we know how important it is to pick the right setting for your youth group members. Refreshing Mountain is set on 80 acres of idyllic woodland in the heart of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Our facilities are comfortable, clean, and secure, and our activities are guaranteed to create memorable experiences, such as our Christmas Light Experiences (click here for a virtual tour of our facility). We also provide group lodging options for retreat groups ranging from 20 to 450 people. Our experienced staff can help youth group leaders plan a life-changing ministry retreat from start to finish. Learn more about youth retreat possibilities here.