Don’t be afraid to make time in your busy schedule to try something new! And doing it with someone you care about makes it all the more special.

Rod Redcay Aug 2012 2

Our guide, Rod Redcay!

My boyfriend was super excited to go on the  zipline because he loves adrenaline junky activities. After working at Refreshing Mountain for a year, I figured it was high time (pun intended!) I took him so we could go on the zip line together. After a couple failed attempts to plan a day for it, we finally found a date that would work for both of our crazy schedules.  We wanted to make a day of it by zip lining and going on a hike with a picnic afterwards.

When we got there, the guides introduced the other people on the tour–one was a lovely couple celebrating 12 years of marriage. No pressure there!

My experience was that zip lining is a great way to see your significant other in a capacity that you don’t normally get to see them in.  I was a little jittery beforehand but his excitement helped calm me down while we were getting harnessed up. When it was my turn to jump, I felt relaxed and excited while zipping through the trees. It wasn’t as classic as going out to dinner, or as cozy as watching a movie together, but this was a date that was well worth the wait. After doing the Aerial Excursion zipline, I think finding room in our schedules will be a lot easier… we got hooked!

Some of my favorite activities in this world involve quiet evenings together with nowhere we need to be. However, zip lining and doing things that are fun and new create once in a lifetime memories that you can share forever.  Going on a canopy tour is just one of the many things you can do to experience adventure with someone you care about. Next time you’re looking for a fun way to spend some time together, check out Refreshing Mountain’s zip lines!

Written by Rebekah Glick