Matt Shenk began working part time at Refreshing Mountain in 2011 as a zipline tour guide through a friend that was also a tour guide. In 2014, when he graduated from high school, Matt joined the full time staff and continued to be a tour guide but also started to work on course maintenance, general maintenance, and as an activity administrator and leader.
Even when he’s not up in the trees leading a zip line group or instructing guests on the climbing wall, Matt is outside enjoying many outdoor hobbies. He especially enjoys snowboarding and rock climbing at such places as Safe Harbor, Birdsboro, and Spooky Nook.
Matt is also a youth group leader at his home church, Newport Dove, and has traveled extensively on mission trips. If you have him for a tour guide be sure to ask about his time in Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Guiana, Bulgaria, South Africa, Zambia, Canada, and even a 5 hour stint in London.
What Matt enjoys most about working at Refreshing Mountain is the atmosphere and being able to apply the things he learns from his hobbies to his job. He’s also excited about the fantastic opportunity he has to learn new and interesting things in the workplace.