The beauty of God’s Creation is easily seen at RMC. We believe it is important to give effort toward sustaining that beauty for future generations to enjoy. Here are some of the ways that we will be “Green” while hosting your event.
1. Solar Electricity. In Sept 2010, we completed construction on a solar project which provides approx 30% of our annual electricity needs. This project was funded, in part, by a grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority.
2. In the Dining Hall…
• We participate with a company called PlanetFry to recycle all of our frying oil. PlanetFry uses the oil to provide fuel for their vehicles.
• We have a food composting program. All of our food waste is separated from the other trash and is composted here on-site.
3. We collect rainwater from a number of our rooftops and use this water to replenish the pool as needed. We can store up to 16,000 gallons of roof water. This is part of our Stormwater Management Plan.
4. Over the past few years, we have been intentionally updating our facilities with more energy efficient equipment. This list includes
• Replacing furnaces which were approx 60% efficient, with furnaces that are 92% efficient (with 2 stage burners).
• Replacing T12 lighting fixtures with T5 lighting fixtures and reflectors.
• Installing motion sensors for lighting in conference and gym spaces.
• Replacing Sodium Halide fixtures with T5 High Output fixtures.
• Replacing every toilet onsite with more efficient counterparts, including several waterless fixtures.
• Installing flow reducers on every shower and faucet at the camp.
5. When building Gym #2, we brought a mill on-site to convert the standing trees into lumber, which was used in the walls and ceiling of the structure.
6. We are pleased to be in the service area of the Lancaster Waste Management Authority, which operates a trash incinerator-to-electric program. Our trash goes to this facility rather than to a landfill.

How Can You Help?
Being Godly Stewards of our resources is a Joint Venture between us and our guests. You can help us in the following ways during your retreat:
- Talk to your campers about turning off lights when not needed.
- Report faulty showers and toilets to RMC right away so we can fix them.
- Keep doors and windows closed to buildings so that the climate controls can run effectively. Talk to management if it is too hot/cold in any rooms.
- Talk to your campers about our Food Composting System in the Dining Hall. It is important to correctly sort the trash at cleanup for this system to work well.
- Shower only once per day, if possible.